Monday, March 26, 2012

Free Technology For Teachers --Richard Byrne
What a find!! This is an amazing site for educators because of the variety of resources that are contained in this blog! One of my favorites I found right away was an app called Three Ring. This is where you can take a picture of the student's work and organize it and comment on it without having to hold onto it. Notes can be added before and after the upload! Brilliant way to showcase student work for parents to see! I also loved the Most Popular Posts of the Year blog he wrote about.
A Cleaner Youtube is something I will definitely use in my classroom. I am always finding related video clips on the topics I teach, but some advertisements along the side can pop-up and as a teacher, this makes me nervous! A Cleaner Youtube allows you to show the video without any of the comments, advertisements, or related videos appearing.
I am excited to have my students do some comic writing using Witty Comics and The SuperHero Squad. I am finding success with my students' writing on the computer. This takes away the reluctance of getting started for a lot of my kids. Making comics is my next writing project I'm going to start this week with my kids. I also read about how comic writing can help students become better writers. I found all of this through this site!
I could go on and on about what I have found on this site! I will continue to follow Richard Byrne and spend more time reading through all of the great resources he has found for teachers!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the post! I am happy you found so many great resources already! There is so much out there to use in our classrooms. It is great to have a blog like his to use as a resource!
